Currently hailing from Westport, Connecticut, Canyon. has been making a name for herself as a vocal powerhouse and wordsmith. Known by those that have seen her perform to be a captivating singer/songwriter with haunting and heart-wrenchingly honest lyrics, her intense passion will cut deep enough to hit a nerve. Performing with an acoustic guitar, her catchy vocal melodies will immediately grab your attention while the intimate stories she tells will keep your ears guessing.
Winner of the 2015 CT Music Awards; Song of the Year for her song "Slow," Canyon. has been touring throughout the Northeast making lasting impressions and connections wherever she goes. After 17 years and several failed projects, her full-length album 'Half' stands as a testament to her struggle and enduring persistence to prove herself as a songwriter.
“Half is the type of album that even after a myriad of listens doesn’t lose a single ounce of excitement or energy. From the first sensual notes of album opener, "One Way Road" to the very last whispers of album closer, “Inch", Canyon. is a downright combustible blend of seductive mysticism and spiritual awareness. She weaves through each tune like someone with way more experiences than her relatively young age has let on, that sort of ‘old soul’ ethos that the best folk singers possess. She is a troubadour secure in her own skin and her own craft and she picks and croons her way through eleven tracks of elegant, pop-infused, indie folk.
Canyon. has truly constructed the full package on this album – gorgeous poetry and tremendous songwriting, delivered with aplomb, and given a treatment of lush production. But make no mistake, whether delivered with the full package of bells and whistles or standing on stage to face the crowd alone, Canyon., her voice and her words and her ability to construct a truly memorable song are the flower-filled centerpiece at this dinner table. She’s a songwriter with a potent arsenal of music and the hope here is that we continue to hear more of it in the future.” - Chip McCabe, Lonesome Noise
Raised by her single mother in Northern California, Canyon.'s earliest musical influences can be traced back to the cassettes her mother would play on repeat during long road trips. "I get my independent and adventurous spirit from my mom. Whenever we would hit the road together she used to make a bed for me in the back of the car. I remember just laying for hours watching the sky change out the back window daydreaming to Cat Stevens and Tracy Chapman the most... but there was Neil Young, Sarah McLaughlin and the Indigo Girls as well..."
On September 25, 2002, Canyon. celebrated her 18th birthday by borrowing her mother's acoustic guitar, boarding a plane and officially moving to New York City. It marked the beginning of her journey into music. Several years and several guitars later, her voice has developed into one of strength, wisdom and maturity with songs inspired by the life experiences of a young adult in a big city.
Canyon.'s emergence onto the music scene began with The Break Contest 2010 when she, along with friend and former partner Andrew Maturana, were the only acoustic act to be selected to perform at The Bamboozle Festival 2010, which boasted an estimated attendance of 20,000. Since January 2011, Canyon. has been performing in festivals and venues throughout the Northeast living by her model, "I will play anywhere and everywhere that will let me..."
With her folk roots as undeniable and organic as her namesake- which comes from lyrics in the song "Thrasher" by Neil Young. Canyon. is poised to make her mark on the Folk genre by re-defining what modern Folk means and finally letting her voice be heard.
Short bio
Currently hailing from Westport, Connecticut, Canyon. has been making a name for herself as a vocal powerhouse and wordsmith. Known by those that have seen her perform to be a captivating singer/songwriter with haunting and heart-wrenchingly honest lyrics, her intense passion will cut deep enough to hit a nerve. Performing with an acoustic guitar, her catchy vocal melodies will immediately grab your attention while the intimate stories she tells will keep your ears guessing.